Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nick Vujicic

Impossible Nothing

Just got to know about this great man name Nick Vujicic last night, a man born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. However, he never gives up on his life and now travelling acrross every single continent to share about his life and inspire every single soul. I personally feel absolutely touched by his ability, words and actions and everything! This is the story we should share to the world and to let every invidual know there is always a purpose for their presence. We shall never complain so much about things nor simply blame anyone when we are unhappy or unsatisfied. Instead we should appreciate whatever things that god have given to us and live the life god has planned for us without giving up. He has really inspired me and i love what he say "if the god doesn't give you what you want, he has got something better".

Friday, July 03, 2009

New Hair Cut!

Had a new hair cut today at mid valley! i really dont like my hair being too long very irritating and uneasy to style! so now is all short and FRESH i likeeee! here are some Pics of it!

Such a Cam Whore!!! =D